Réserver à King Sentai King Oger Six Kingdoms Room (Super Sentai Restaurant Outlet)

This reservation is for the "King Sentai King Oger Six Kingdoms Room" Osaka Namba Dotonbori store. Event period: May 18th (Sat) - June 9th (Sun)
■ Business hours
Weekdays: 14:00~15:30/16:00~17:30/18:00~19:30/20:00~21:30
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: 12:30~14:00/14:30~16:00/16:30~18:00/18:00~19:30/20:00~21:30
■Points to note when making reservations and using the service
●All seats are non-smoking
●If you have any questions, please contact us at the following number. (TEL: 0120-708-759)
■We charge a seating charge. ●Adults Weekdays: 700 yen Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: 900 yen
●Children (up to elementary school age) *Free for children under 2 All day 500 yen
■Points to note when cancelling or changing your reservation
●Cancellations and changes to the number of guests can be made up to the day before.
●If you are more than 15 minutes late, please contact us.
* If more than 30 minutes have passed since the reservation time without any contact, the reservation will be considered canceled.
■ We do not have any affiliated parking lots, so please use a nearby parking lot.
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins



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