Réserver à Beer Garden/Hilton Tokyo

[Beer Garden Status]
Beer Garden will be opened on May 10th

▶Please be sure to select the type of seat you will be dining in: "Table seat" or "Premium seat". To use premium seats, you must select a premium seat limited plan.

▶Customers who have registered their mobile phone on LINE will also receive a reservation confirmation on LINE.
■Reservations for 21 or more people will only be accepted by phone.
■Children under the age of 13 are not allowed to enter the store. Additionally, customers under the age of 20 are not allowed to enter the store.
■Customers under the age of 20 are not allowed to drink alcohol.
■In case of rain or strong winds, the event will be canceled. The business status of the day will be decided at 14:00 (11:00 on Sundays and holidays). In the event of a cancellation, customers with reservations will be contacted by email from a restaurant representative.

<About payment methods> Our restaurant also accepts contactless payment, ``Table Check contactless payment,'' where credit card information is pre-entered at the time of reservation. [Procedure for using contactless payment] ① Select the menu you want to reserve and enter the reservation information. ② On the next reservation confirmation screen, select "Use contactless payment" and enter your card information. *You can also choose to pay on-site. *It is possible to change the payment method on the day. ③ At the time of checkout on the day, please say ``Use the card you used when making the reservation.'' Accounting will be completed instantly on the spot. *Receipts can be downloaded from the notification email after payment is completed.



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