Réserver à Cafe Terrace Camellia - Hotel Okura JR Huis Ten Bosch

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If children are accompanying you, please also enter the number of infants. For reservations for 1 person or 7 people or more (including children), please contact us directly by phone. If you are unable to make a reservation online, we may be able to make one for you by phone. ○We may call you depending on your request. ○Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for specific seats. ○Please contact us by the day before if you wish to cancel your reservation or change the number of people in your party. ○A 100% cancellation fee will be charged for cancellations on the day of your reservation. ○If you do not contact us in advance and are more than 15 minutes late for your reservation, your reservation may be automatically canceled. ○Please let us know if any of your guests have food allergies. Telephone inquiries: 0956-58-7111 and mention "Camellia reservation."
65 ans et plus
12 ans et moins
3 ans et moins


If any of your guests have food allergies, please let us know at least four days in advance.


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