Réserver à Pasela Resorts Ginza


・プロジ™クター💰 / プロジェクタールーム💰:3,000円
・サラウブルーム💰 / 防音室💰:3,000円
・🚭フラットタイプ💰 / 🚭フラットタイプ💰:2,000円
・フラット/お祝いルーム💰 / フラット/お祝いルーム💰:2,000円
・75㌅"にたー💰 / 75cmモニター💰:2,000円
・プレミアム"デイス / プレミアム モード: 料金はこちらでご確認ください。




プレミアムカラオケ MODIS 銀座
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins


Dear customers of Pasela
■Regarding Concept Room Additional Charges

【Flat Sheet Room: ¥2,000 per room (tax included)】
【Celebration Deco Flat Room: ¥2,000 per room (tax included)】
【Projector Room: ¥3,000 per room (tax included)】
【5.1ch Surround Room: ¥3,000 per room (tax included)】
【75cm Monitor Room: ¥2,000 per room (tax included)】
If you wish to reserve any of the above rooms, please note that there will be an additional charge as mentioned. Kindly confirm your understanding.

Please be aware that if you do not agree to the additional charge, we will not be able to accommodate your request for the desired room, and you will be allocated a standard room instead.

Furthermore, even if you agree to the additional charge, if you have not selected a specific room type, you will be allocated a standard room.

※ The availability of portable projectors is limited, and depending on the reservation status, they may not be available for rental. Please understand this in advance.
※ For customers using Modis, please select "Yes."



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