Réserver à Restaurant Ryuzu

<Regarding reservations>
Dress code
Tank tops, shorts pants, and sandals are not accepted. Please avoid wear perfume.
Thank you for your understanding.

●About the course

The course menu is the same course for everyone

●Allergies and ingredients that you are not good at
If you have any allergies or ingredients that you are not good at, please fill in the details in question 1 from the restaurant in the request column below. We are unable to change the menu on the day due to the stocking.

●Cancellation of reservation,
Cancellation or change to a number of guests, from 7 days before ( our open day ) your reservation we will charge 50% of course rate for per person.
On the day of your booking date notice we will charge 100% of course rate for per person.

●Anniversary use If you would like a message plate for your birthday, wedding anniversary, etc., please write your message in question 2 from the restaurant in the request column. If you would like a whole cake, please choose from the option menu.
●Regarding the use of private rooms Currently, private rooms can only be used by telephone. We do not charge a private room fee, but we accept lunch courses from Menu du Jour or higher, and dinner from Menu Ryuzu or higher courses.
●Regarding children's use Reservations are accepted only for children who can eat the same menu as adults. We do not allow children under elementary school age to visit our store.


If you have any allergies or foods that you are not good at, please fill in the details.
For vegetarians and vegans, please be sure to indicate how much you can eat soup stock, fish and shellfish, dairy products, eggs, etc.
Due to purchasing, we cannot change the menu on the day.
À propos de la plaque à messages


Mot de passe est trop court (au moins 8 caractères)
Mot de passe est trop faible
Mot de passe doit inclure au moins une lettre majuscule, une lettre minuscule, un chiffre, et un symbole.
Mot de passe ne doit pas contenir une partie de E-mail.
Mot de passe ne concorde pas avec Confirmation du mot de passe
En soumettant ce formulaire, vous acceptez les termes et politiques pertinents.