Réserver à 焼鳥今井

⚫︎Please be considerate of excessive perfume scents.

⚫︎For 3 to 4 people, depending on the order of reservations, you may be seated next to the counter.

⚫︎If you are making a reservation, please order by course.

⚫︎Only counter seats are available.

⚫︎We regret to inform you that children under the age of 12 are not allowed to enter the store. I am very sorry.

⚫︎We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask that you register your credit card information if you have made a reservation through an agent or if you are coming from overseas.

⚫︎ I'm sorry. We do not accommodate gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, or dairy allergies.


⚫︎If you have any allergies or ingredients you don't like, please let us know.
⚫︎Please let us know if there are any things you don't like, such as chicken internal organs, liver, heart, gizzard, skin, cartilage, etc.
⚫︎The main dishes are dishes using a variety of soy sauces. We can prepare it grilled with salt, but all grilled items are baked on the same grill as those that use soy sauce.
⚫︎We cannot accommodate gluten-free customers.
⚫︎There are baked goods that use butter, so we cannot accommodate customers with dairy allergies. I am very sorry.
To customers coming from overseas. Please enter your mobile phone number or hotel phone number when you are in Japan so that we can contact you in case you forget something.


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