Hawaii · Ginza Onodera Sushi 온라인 예약

▶ Online reservations are accepted up to one day prior to the reservation date.
▶Please inform us if you or anyone in your party has any dietary restrictions or allergies.
▶Our menus contain food allergens contained in raw fish, shellfish, as well as wheat, soy and eggs.
▶Consuming raw, undercooked seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness.
▶In order to offer the best ingredients of the day, please note that the menu is subject to change.
Cancellation fee: On the booking date (24 hour). will charge $250 per person. This policy also applies to reductions of the party.
For reservations on the day or over 5 pax party,
please call the restaurant by phone. Reservations on the day it can not be canceled. Cancel surely call the shop.
☎ (808) 735-2375
▶We have limited parking spaces. We recommend carpooling if you coming in large groups.
12세 이하


Should you have any allergy, please do let us know the detail in advance.

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