La Plage - Hotel Nikko Kanazawa 온라인 예약

Information on changes to business operations and temporary closures in the hotel ★Please check here for the latest business conditions. ▶ Age limit: Available for children over 10 years old. ▶Dress code / smart casual ※Please refrain from wearing extremely casual clothes such as shorts and sandals. ▶Reservations are accepted up to two months in advance. *For reservations more than 2 months in advance, please contact the store directly. ▶Online reservations are limited to a maximum of 10 people. *For reservations of 11 people or more, please contact the store directly. ▶ If you use a private room, we will charge "¥ 6,050" as a room charge. ▶If we are unable to contact you within 30 minutes of your reservation time, we will inevitably cancel your reservation. *Please be sure to contact us if you will be late for your reservation. ▶We cannot accept seat reservations. ▶The contents of the menu may be partially changed depending on the arrival status. Please understand in advance. ▶ [Regarding parking lot usage] We will discount the usage fee only for the Porte Kanazawa underground parking lot. [Lunch]: 2 hours free for purchases of 2,000 yen or more per person [Night]: 3 hours free for purchases of 3,000 yen or more per person *Please note that parking outside of the Porte Kanazawa underground parking lot is not covered by the charge service.


Are you a OneHarmony member? *For customers who wish to become a member, we will guide you on the day of your visit. * If you would like to pre-enroll online, please register here.
If you selected "① Yes" and "⑤ WEB pre-enrollment" in question 1, Enter your membership number in the answer field please give me. *If you select anything other than "① Yes" and "⑤ WEB pre-enrollment", please enter "None".
If you have any allergies or disliked ingredients, please enter the number of people and details. Example:) 1 crustacean "allergy" / 1 Crustacean "weak point" *For those with allergies More details Thank you for your cooperation. *If you do not have any applicable ingredients, please enter "none".

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