Konnyaku sushi and shaved ice KON 온라인 예약

We have our proud "Konjac Sushi" for souvenirs and gifts.
In addition to take-out at the store, we also offer a delivery service. Please use it.

■ About the 23 wards delivery service
・ We also offer delivery services within 20 km by contractors. Please feel free to contact us for details.

■ Business hours
Every Thursday to Sunday 11: 00 ~ 17: 00 Lo16: 30

■ Payment method
* Payment at the store on the day is accepted by credit card or electronic money.

Every month, the first Sunday of the month, limited quantity of jicca collaboration "Salt Butter Anpan" Next time, we are accepting reservations on September 5th (Sun)!

Enjoy "Konnyaku Sushi and Shaved Ice" in a 60-year-old folk house . Please use the link below to make a reservation. Click here to reserve a seat .


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