La Maison de Graciani Kobe Kitano 온라인 예약

▶About reservation
· We will accept reservations up to 2 months ahead.
· Please refrain from dressing that is too casual when visiting.
· For reservations on the day, for reservations for more than 11 people, reserved for private charters,
Please contact us directly by phone.
· When using various tickets, please make a reservation by telephone.
· We may not be able to comply with your request for hope of the seat.

▶Children's use
· If you are a child under 10 years of age, please make a reservation by telephone.

▶About cancellation
· For cancellation, reduction of employment, excuse me, the following cancellation fee will be charged
The day before ... 50% of the course price
That day · · · 100% of the course price
* If cancellation policy is stated in the plan, the cancellation policy in the plan takes precedence.


We use a variety of ingredients as much as we can.
If you have any foods or allergies you are not good at in advance for enjoyment on the day, please let us know in detail.
(It may be difficult to respond to the offer on the day.)
If you would like a message plate for dessert, please write down the contents of the message.
(Example: Happy Birthday 0, Happy Anniversary)

예약자 정보

비밀번호은(는) 적어도 8자를 넘어야 합니다
너무 약함
적어도 하나의 대문자, 소문자, 숫자 및 기호를 포함해야 합니다.
이메일 의 일부를 포함하지 않아야 합니다.
비밀번호 확인은(는) 서로 일치해야 합니다
이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.