Chinese Kei-Lin - Hotel Metropolitan Tokyo Ikebukuro 온라인 예약

★ Please choose hall seat or private room from the following category. * Please check the conditions for using the private room at the following URL. ★ Online reservations accepted Lunch: until 21:30 the day before Dinner: until 16:00 on the day. For reservations outside the above hours or for more than 12 people, or to request a private room, please contact the restaurant at 03-3980-1111 (hotel representative). * Please contact us by phone 5 days in advance for orders such as bouquets and whole cakes. * Please note that seats may not be able to meet your request. * Menu content may change depending on the availability of ingredients. * Please let us know the food allergy and the purpose of the meal (birthday, entertainment, etc.). * Cancellation fee will be charged 100% if there is no notification on the day * If there is no notification if it is more than 30 minutes behind the reservation time, it will be canceled
12세 이하
5세 이하


Please let us know the purpose of the dinner (birthday, entertainment, etc.). Please let us know about food allergies.
. Please let us know about food allergies.

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