MimosaKitchen Takeaway 온라인 예약

[Request for reservation]
▶ We cannot make any changes after the reservation. If you want to change it, please cancel and make a reservation again.
▶ Paper bags are charged, so it is recommended to bring an eco bag. → Opening commemorative event is being held now! Customers who purchase over 2,500 yen will receive a Mimosa Kitchen Takeaway original eco bag as a gift! (Since it is limited to 500 pieces, it will end as soon as it runs out.) → In addition, customers who bring their own original eco bag will be offered an "eco bag discount"!
▶ Please contact us by phone for orders over the number available online.

Inquiries by phone: 0749-20-5612
Please make a reservation for food and drink at Mimosa Kitchen here.


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