Steak & Trattoria CarneSio 온라인 예약

※ Roast beef is quantity limited, so please reserve in advance for customers planning to order!
※ Because it is subject to 2 hours 30 minutes when crowded
Please note.
▶ Regarding lunch, we will have a two-hour seat when crowded.
▶ Please make a reservation for lunch from the menu from 2500 yen.
▶ Customers using after 17: 30 will be charged 500 yen as a co-pelot fee (bread / seats) per person.
▶ If you can not contact us after 15 minutes of reservation, please be sure to contact us as we will be forced to cancel as it may be delayed.
▶ Please ipose of the dinner party (birthday, entertainment etc.) and food allergy.
▶ Please note that we can not accept the seat selection.
▶ Please contact the restaurant for groups' reservations.

【business hours】
Monday - Friday
11: 30 ~ 15: 30 (L.O.14: 30)
17: 00 ~ 23: 00 (L.O.22: 00)
Monday - Friday
17: 30 ~ 23: 30 (L.O.22: 30)
Closed holiday
Sundays and public holidays
TEL: 050-3196-3523
12세 이하
5세 이하



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