Reserviere Ikebukuro Parco Aloha BBQ Beer Garden

 April 22th~September 30th
 Mon.-Fri.       16:00~23:00
     Sat.-Sun. and Holidays 15:00~23:00
 Mon.-Fri.       16:00~23:00
     Sat.-Sun. and Holidays 12:00~23:00
 ※L.O. Food 22:00 Drink 22:30
 We will hold a Hula Dance Show on an irregular bases. Please visit our website for more information.
 ・We accept reservations 1 hour before open time on the same day.
 ・For parties of 16 or more guests, please call our restaurant directly: 03-5957-0035
 ・Seating time will be limited to 2 hours per reservation.
 ・In some cases, we may have available seating for walk-in guests (without reservation.)
 ※We will contact you on the day of your reservation in case of restaurant closure due to bad weather.
12 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger


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