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MORE cucina

10-18 Hiyoshicho, Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama-ken
Italian dishes individually prepared by a skilled chef
Casual, yet bright & modern Italian cucina space

MORE cucina is a stylish, modern Italian restaurant, with a minimalist interior boasting wood floors, table and booth seating. Large windows create an open, airy atmosphere. Located on an unremarkable, yet traditional Japanese shopping street just a few minutes walk from Tokorozawa station. The 3rd floor space is accessed from the entrance next to a small pharmacy.

From appetizers to dessert...this...is...Italian

Let your tastebuds loose on the vast ala carte menu, with appetizers to open a relaxing evening or choose a more elaborate one as your main meal. Beef and pork mains are featured along with other seasonal specialties. And of course, wine. You'll find 10 varieties served by the glass! No Italian feast is complete without a delicious handmade dolce, prepared in house by the chef

Expertly prepared Italian menu from carefully chosen produce

Drink your fill of great Italian wine while you savour the best seasonal produce, much of which is farm to table, complimented by house-made pasta and Italian sausage. Seating is limited to preserve an intimate atmosphere.

¥1,000 ~ ¥3,000
¥3,000 ~ ¥5,000
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MORE cucina

10-18 Hiyoshicho, Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama-ken

2 minutes walk (146m)

Tokorozawa Station

2 minutes walk (170m)

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