Réserver à Barbacoa Shinjuku

*Reservations for groups of 11 or more are accepted by phone. ☎Telephone inquiries: 050-1807-6910 🕰️Business hours🕰️ (Lunch) Weekdays 11:30-15:00 (Door Close 14:00) Holidays 11:00-16:00 (Door Close 15:00) (Dinner) ) Weekdays 17:30-22:00 (Door Close 21:00) Holidays 17:00-22:00 (Door Close 21:00) (Take Out & Delivery) Weekday Lunch 11:30-15:00 Last Order 14:30 Saturdays and Sundays Holiday Lunch 11:30-16:00 Last Order 15:30 Weekday Dinner 17:30-20:30 Last Order 20:00 Weekend/Holiday Dinner 17:00-20:30 Last Order 20:00 [Request for takeout] Order is available online or by phone. (Delivery is available through UberEats.) ・Please make a reservation for one person.・Please enjoy it as soon as possible on the day you receive it.・The stated visit time is the time to pick up the product. We prepare the food after receiving the reservation order. Please note that if you arrive early, we may not have the items ready.・The g of meat listed is before grilling. note that.・Please note that we cannot change the contents of set products.​ Delicious ways to enjoy takeout now available!​ ✅Our store has introduced "contactless payment". You will be asked to enter your credit card information when making a reservation, and you can pay using the card information used when making your reservation. On the day of your reservation, please say ``Use the card you made the reservation'' when paying. *When using contactless payment, receipts will be issued online. Regarding contactless
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins


[For guests celebrating birthdays or anniversaries] Anniversary plates are available. Please choose from the options below. ●1,000 yen is a dessert platter for 2 people ●Free is a bite-sized dessert (up to 1 per group) If you would like to change the message on the plate or include the birthday person's name, please write it in the "Request" field. Up to 25 characters in Japanese or English (e.g. "Happy Birthday XX") *Free plates will not be available on June 16th. *We are unable to accommodate customers ordering take-out.
If you have any questions or concerns about allergies, please write them in the answer column.


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