Réserver à HamayakiBBQ Jinnosuke

▶Only 3 entries for reservation! ① Select the number of people and the date and time. ② Select a category. (A: Outdoor seating (with sunshade) / B: Indoor seating (all-weather type) *Outdoor seating (with sunshade) is recommended on sunny days. Indoor seating 3. Select course (seat only, all-you-can-eat oysters, night BBQ, all-you-can-eat in winter, etc.) ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ POINT ① ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ ◆◆ Look at the reservation status calendar, gray paint ✖ But [seats on the day] are ants!There are about 100 seats (300 seats in total), so we can guide you in order of reception on the day.◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ POINT ② ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ If you have more than 15 people, please call the store directly!↓ ↓ ↓ TEL/ 0857-32-8089 HP/ https://jinnosuke.jp/ If you are using more than 1 person, you can also order a set menu according to your budget.Please contact us by phone.<Notes> ●Please contact us if you are going to be late for your reservation.●Automatically after 30 minutes. In that case, it may not be possible to change the end time due to replacement reservations, etc. If you do not contact us in advance to change the number of people, you will be charged a seat fee. Please call us.(If you cancel on the day, you will be charged the full amount.) *No food or drink can be brought in. *We may not be able to accommodate requests such as seat selection.(We will reply to your request by email.) No) *Because it is a BBQ place, there is no air conditioning equipment such as air conditioning.*No smoking in the store (Please smoke in the designated area!) *Pets are not allowed in the store.(Sorry.) (Please contact us) If you have any questions, please call the store directly.
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins




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