Réserver à Bifteck KAWAMURA Tokyo Roppongi

■Reservations can be made one months in advance.
WEB reservation has been accept until the other day 9 pm
*We accept phone reservations from 11am to 5pm. We recommend making reservations online as we may not be able to always answer the phone.

■ We will charge 100% of(Lunch¥5000,Dinner¥15000) reservation as a cancellation fee, in case of cancellation application within 24 hours which does not include the fixed holiday of reservation date and time. (In addition, regarding cancellation application before the above-mentioned provision, it conforms to the cancellation policy of Restaurant)
We will refund the deposit at the time of visit
In case of cancellation, please call us Restaurant

■*The course could be changed depending on procurement of ingredient on the day.

■Our courses are seasonal. Please let us know your allergies or any dietary restrictions at the time of reservation. Please also check with your guests as well.



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