<About Reservations>
- Online reservations can be made up to 2 months in advance.
- If you are making a reservation more than 2 months in advance, for a group of 13 or more people, or if you have any special requests, please contact us by phone.
⇒Tel. 03-6416-3665

<Regarding use by children>
If you are bringing children with you, please let us know their number and age in the "Requests" section.
*If you have any questions, please contact us by phone.

We value the ingredients that our growers produced for us. If you wish to cancel your reservation, please contact us at least 2 days prior to your reservation time, otherwise a cancellation fee will be charged.
We will charge the following cancellation fees.

Cancellation 2 days before the reservation day
▶▶50% payment of the meal will be charged

Cancellation 1 day before the reservation time or no-show
▶▶100% payment of the meal will be charged.

- If you only reserve a seat, you will be charged a cancellation fee equal to the minimum course amount.
- We have a separate cancellation policy for parties of 10 or more people. For more detail, please get information from the shop.

- Please let us know in advance if you have any food allergies .
- You cannot specify your seat. Please note.
- Course contents are subject to change as we use the best ingredients of the day.




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