Réserver à Captain's Bar - Hilton Tokyo Odaiba

"Please inform us of the occasion of your booking (birthday, entertaining business associates, etc.), food allergies and other relevant details if applicable.
Note that there may be situations whereby your seating request cannot be met.
*Please be advised that those aged under 20 are not permitted to enter this restaurant.
*Smoking allowed in all areas
For any request that requires our response or confirmation, contact the hotel's restaurant information line (03-5500-5580) separately, citing the name of the restaurant you have booked and the telephone number you used for the booking."


If you are allergic to foodstuffs please fill in the requested field.
If you are a Hilton Honors member, please enter your membership status and membership number (9-10 digits) (Example answer) Gold 123456789 [DINE LIKE A MEMBER Honors Member Benefits] <Up to 25% off food and beverage charges> Hilton Honors members can enjoy up to 25% off food and beverage charges when using Hilton Group restaurants and bars. (Some plans are excluded.) In addition, you can earn an additional 500 Honors Points for purchases of 4,500 yen or more. Period: Until Sunday, June 30, 2024. Cannot be combined with other discounts. In addition, there are some plans that cannot be used with the discount. Thank you for your understanding. Please contact the hotel for various plans. [Discount excluded days below] ◇2024◇ New Year's Day January 1st (Monday, holiday) to 3rd (Wednesday) Golden Week April 27th (Saturday) to May 6th (Monday, holiday)


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Mot de passe ne doit pas contenir une partie de E-mail.
Mot de passe ne concorde pas avec Confirmation du mot de passe
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