Réserver à DELI - Grand Hyatt Seoul

*Cakes can be picked up at The Deli on the lobby floor of Grand Hyatt Seoul.
*When visiting The Deli for pick-up, please notify The Deli team so that we can provide the most prompt assistance.
*When using member and affiliate card discounts, please pay on-site.
*Depending on the season ingredients, the decoration of the cake may change.
*The next reservation will be restricted in case of no-show.
*The decoration of the cake may be changed according to the supply and demand of seasonal ingredients.
*Please make a reservation at least 1 days in advance.
*If the product cannot be prepared due to the circumstances of the hotel, The Deli may contact to inform of the cancellation.
*Parking is free for 1 hour.
*Allergy information :
This product is provided by the same manufacturing facility as products made with soy, peanut, wheat and egg.



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