Réserver à Icho - Hotel Nikko Kanazawa

Even if your online reservation is full, you may be able to make a seat, so please call us.指定 Please note that the seat specification may not meet your request. ▶ If you have any allergy or bad food, please fill in the request column. ▶ If you can not contact after 30 minutes of booking, it may be automatically canceled, so please contact us if you are late.予 約 Please contact the store directly when booking with 5 or more people at the counter. ▶ Since it is a store only for counter seats, reservations will be accepted from 11:30 or 13:15 on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and busy seasons. (There is a possibility that it will be waited for 13:30 depending on the reservation status) ※ 100% will be charged if there is no notification about the cancellation fee on the day. ※ Please note that the contents of the described menu are subject to change.
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins




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