Réserver à Iyaiyasanbai (Pickup)

≪Notes regarding reservation≫ Orders will be accepted from 11:30 to 14:30/17:00 to 21:00. ■Please enter 1 for the number of people to make a reservation. ■Please specify the store pickup time for the reservation time. ■ With the charge for shopping bags, 3 yen will be charged for each item. *We may call you to confirm your order. *Please take it as soon as possible after taking it home. ●Cancellation Policy ◆ Please call us to change or cancel your reservation. ◆If we cannot contact you after the reservation time is over 30 minutes, we will cancel the reservation. ◆Please note that the cancellation fee on the day will be 100%. Please contact 03-3470-1838 unwillingly three cups of restaurant reservation ▼▼ here ▼▼



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