Réserver à Jenderal Kopi Nusantara Buwas - Bandung

Please be informed in regards of the seating preference, we may not be able to fulfill your request.
We will reconfirm your reservation prior your time of booking.
- Private Dinning Room CIKURAY (6pax) Min purchase Idr 1.500.000++/ 3 hours
- Private Dinning Room TORAJA (10pax) Min purchase Idr 3.000.000++/3 hours
- Private Dinning Room GAYO (6pax) Min purchase Idr 1.500.000++/3 hours
- Due to limited capacity, advance reservation is highly recommended (1 day in advance)
- Cancellation Policy: We appreciate your understanding to the cancellation policy below
Reservation: If there is no message after 15 minutes of your booking time, we will consider it as cancellation.
- For booking over 10 pax, the booking is subject to Down Payment of IDR 25,000,- / pax.
- All reservation over 10 pax without any deposit confirmation will be released 10 hours prior to the reservation time.
- All prices are shown are subject to 10% tax and 5% service charge

Do not hesitate to reach us at 0811-9216-869
Operational Hours 9am - 9pm (Last order 8pm)
70 ans et plus
12 ans et moins
3 ans et moins



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