Réserver à Kaminoza

★★★ "Request"

〇We will prepare the food all at once so that you can enjoy it in good condition.

"Lunch" starts at 12:00

"Dinner" 18:30-19:30 (Starts at the same time once a day)
*The start time will match the first reservation.

〇Therefore, in order not to keep other customers waiting, if you are late, there may be cases where you can not serve food or you are in a hurry.

Please be careful not to be late for your visit.
If you are late, we may not be able to serve your food.

★We apologize for the inconvenience, but we'd like to return that amount to the ingredients, service, and service time.

★Cooking is basically done at the same time, especially from the viewpoint of burning.

All of this is because we want to improve the quality of our products and services so that our customers can enjoy them equally, so when we rent it out. If you have any requests, please feel free to contact us.

▶Please contact the store directly for private reservations or large group reservations and consultations Phone: 06-6942-7190

★Cancellation policy If you cancel on the day or change the number of people without permission, a 100% cancellation fee will be charged.


Si vous avez des allergies ou des aversions alimentaires, veuillez nous en informer.

Si vous connaissez le nombre de personnes qui vous accompagnent, veuillez le remplir.

〇 Si vous en faites la demande le jour même, nous ne serons peut-être pas en mesure de vous proposer une alternative. Veuillez noter)


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Mot de passe ne doit pas contenir une partie de E-mail.
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