Réserver à Luca

※Reservation required: Please make your reservation by the day before.
※Our restaurant only has one chef, so it may take some time for the food to be served.
※There is no elevator, only stairs to the second floor.

<Business hours>
Lunch 12:00-15:00 (Last entry 13:00)
 Staying time approximately 2.5 hours

Dinner 18:00-22:00 (Last entry 19:00)
 Staying time approximately 3~3.5 hours

▶If we cannot contact you within 30 minutes of your reservation time, your reservation will be cancelled. A cancellation fee will be charged.
▶Smoking is prohibited inside the store.
▶Children under the age of 13 are not allowed to visit.
▶Please refrain from wearing extremely casual clothing such as shorts and sandals.
▶For reservations for 5 or more people, please contact the store directly. (Instagram, email, etc.)
▶︎Order system for one drink per person
▶︎The staff cannot speak English, so please contact us by email.

Phone 075-744-0981
Mail info@luca-kyoto.com
SNS https://www.instagram.com/luca_kyoto_restaurant/


Do you have allergies? We cannot respond on the day, so please be sure to let us know in advance.
※For those who cannot eat raw fish or meat, we can only accommodate fish and meat dishes as main dishes. Other dishes cannot be accommodated. (Example: Amuse, appetizer, etc.)
※Reservations not accepted:No seafood, no dairy products, no flour, vegetarian, halal, etc..
If you would like a message plate, please be sure to fill it out. We will prepare each plate depending on the content. (Dessert or Mignardises)
Example: Happy birthday, wedding anniversary, congratulations (others are not accepted)


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