Réserver à COOKA - 大阪マリオット都ホテル

▶ Please note that we may not be able to meet your request regarding seat selection. ▶ If you cannot contact us after 15 minutes of reservation time, we may be forced to cancel, so please be sure to contact us if you are late. ▶ If the number of people and the number of people in the breakdown are different, you may not be able to reserve a seat. Please be sure to make a reservation within the number of people. ▶ Thank you for your continued patronage. With the highest priority given to preventing the spread of the new coronavirus and the health and safety of our customers and employees, we have decided to shorten our business from the schedule below for the time being. We apologize for any inconvenience and inconvenience caused, and thank you for your understanding and cooperation, and we ask for your continued patronage. ■ 2021/4/5 ~ For the time being Lunch 11: 30 ~ 15: 00 (LO.14: 00) Dinner 17: 00 ~ 20: 00 (LO.19: 00) * Alcohol will be served until 19:00 Please. We ask our customers for their cooperation in temperature measurement, alcohol disinfection, and wearing masks in the museum. Also, please wear a mask when you eat. * Please note that business hours may change suddenly at the request of Osaka Prefecture.
65 ans et plus
12 ans et moins
6 ans et moins


If you have any allergies, please let us know in the comments section. If you have severe allergic symptoms, please contact us for further consultation. We prioritize the safety of our customers and may refuse your request.・Since the food we serve is prepared in the same kitchen, allergenic substances may be mixed in. Please note that the meals we serve are only hypoallergenic.・Please consult a specialist and make your own final decision.・The ingredients used in the menu may change without notice.
■Information on the official Miyako Plus app■ Earn points by staying and dining! ~ Save & use! Advantageous point program ~ Receive 10 points for 100 yen (excluding tax) at Miyako Hotels & Resorts member hotels and inns. 1 point can be used for 1 yen (10% return). Admission fee / annual fee is free depending on membership status We offer benefits and services. *When joining, you must enter the referral code [320]. It is posted on the Osaka Marriott Miyako Hotel official website. You can join in advance from [Miyako Plus Information]. If you wish to join at the restaurant, please select [Join on the day of use].


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