Réserver à pero

Thank you for visiting the pero Hiroshima reservation site. You will be asked to enter your credit card information at the time of booking, but it will not be settled as it is only a temporary hold. Please make payment at the store on the day ▶ Reservations *Please make a reservation in advance from this reservation site before coming to the store ●Reservation hours: pranzo 12:00/12:30/13:00 Sun only) 18:00/18:30/19:00 Please call or DM for reservations and charter consultations for groups of 5 adults or more. Please note that we may not be able to meet your seat request.Please note that if you are late for more than 15 minutes without prior notice, we will treat it as a cancellation. We cannot accept changes. Please only take pictures of the food at hand. Please refrain from taking pictures of the inside and outside of the store and the menu table as it may cause inconvenience to other customers.We may ask you to take excessive pictures. Amex) is available. ●We do not have a dedicated parking lot or bicycle parking lot. Please use the nearby coin parking lot or bicycle parking lot. If you need to change the schedule, time, or course, please cancel and make a new reservation. ●In case of cancellation, the following cancellation charges will be charged to your registered card.Within 48 hours: Course fee 50% /Within 24 hours: Course fee 100% Thank you for your cooperation Contact Tel: 050-3091-2982 or Instagram DM 18-19 Higashi-Hakushima-cho Waseda Building 1F Hiroden Hakushima Station 1 minute walk
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins


Please let us know the details of your allergies. We may not be able to accommodate reservations made the day before, or foods that you are not good at, other than allergies. Example: 1 person is allergic to shrimp, extract is also NG, etc. *If you have no allergies, please write "none".
If you would like a message plate for dessert for birthdays, anniversaries, etc., please fill in the details. (550 yen per plate separately) Example) HappyBirthday 〇〇
If you are traveling with children, please let us know the age of the child, whether or not you will bring a stroller if you are an infant, and what your meal will be. Example) 1 child aged 2 and a half, no stroller, sharing adult meals. There is no special menu for children, but it is possible to change the adult course pasta to a large serving (additional charge). If you are 12 years old or younger and want to eat the same course as adults, please enter so.


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