Réserver à Shokudo RUTA

Lunch 11: 30-14 : 00 (LO) Dinner 18: 00-21: 00 (LO) * Irregular holidays November holidays [] * Dinner on the 3rd and 18th will be closed. Holidays in December [3.9.17] ★ Christmas course ★ 21-25 days Lunch and dinner common, limited to 4 groups each ¥ 7,000 (tax excluded) * Reservations can only be made by phone. .. ====================================== Please make a reservation when you come to the store. (Until 22:00 the day before dinner and until 11:00 on the day of lunch) The store is on the second floor of a small building. The number of customers we can welcome is limited. Thank you for your understanding. ====================================== ◆ Come to the store for both lunch and dinner, and take a course Only for those who eat. [Children will be guided only to those who can sit down and enjoy the same course for one person as adults. ] ◆ If you are late for your reservation or if there is a change in the number of people, please be sure to contact us before coming to the store. ◆ Inquiries after the reservation deadline・ For reservations for 5 or more people, please call us. ☎ 06-6210-4526 * The shop may call you to confirm your reservation.


(例:Happy Birthday 、Congratulations〜など)


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