Réserver à Samoyed Cafe Al KYOTO KAWARAMACHI

▶ Advance ticket purchase is required for admission. Reservations can be made up to 1 month in advance and accepted up to 15 minutes in advance. Refunds will not be given after 3 days before the reservation date, and the same applies if you make a mistake in purchasing the ticket. For details, please check the cancellation policy at the time of payment.
▶︎All tickets are for 1 hour. If you wish to stay for more than 2 hours, please purchase consecutive tickets.
▶︎If you arrive late, you will be allowed to leave the store by the time you made your reservation, no matter how late you arrive.
▶︎Our store has a complete rotation system, and you will be asked to enter at the exact time, so we will not be able to guide you if you arrive early. Please note that there is no waiting area, so you will have to line up outside to enter. Please leave 5 minutes before closing time.
▶ Please be sure to follow the precautions listed on the website and enjoy the store. Please note that due to Samoyed-chan's circumstances, he may not be at the store at times.
▶Private plans can be reserved two months in advance. If you are interested, please send a DM to the official Instagram ( @samoyedcafe_kyoto ) with your name (in hiragana), number of people, and desired dates and times. Our staff will check availability and send you a link for advance payment.



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