Réserver à Ama Hut SATOUAMIAN

To make a reservation for 12:00 noon of the day before, please contact Ama Hut, Satoumian directly (Tel: 0599-85-1212).
(For reservations of more than 15 persons, please contact Ama Hut directly as well.)
To cancel or change a reservation, kindly contact us by 17:00 the previous day.
(Failure to cancel by 17:00 on the previous day will result in a 100% cancellation fee. To cancel a reservation of 15 persons or more, please notify us 3 days in advance.)
Reservations done through the internet do not provide any commissions to travel agencies.
Please understand that during the harvesting season from March until September, there may be times when Ama divers themselves are too busy working to be available, but in these cases, substitutes who know a lot about the Ama industry will join you.
Seafood shown here may not be exactly the same as the catch of the day.
It is not possible to reserve specific seating.
Please understand that Course Menues may be modified without notice.


Where are you from?
How to access
Please let us know if you have any food allergies.
*Please contact us by 5pm the day before for changes or cancellations.
[If there is no contact or if you cancel after 5:00 pm the day before, you will be charged 100% of the fee for any reason.]


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