Réserver à Ueno Seiyoken Bridal Fair

Due to the state of emergency, we are not accepting reservations for bridal fairs for the time being. We accept requests for materials for pamphlets and other inquiries. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact us using the inquiry form. ◆ Free tasting reservations are limited to grooms and brides. ◆ Even if two or more people participate, the tasting will be for two people in principle. ◆ The venue may not be available depending on the usage conditions on the day. If you cannot visit us, we will guide you with a photo. ◆ The store may call you to confirm the details of your reservation. ◆ If we cannot contact you within 15 minutes from the scheduled time, we may cancel your request. ◆ Please refrain from attending pets, dogs and cats (excluding assistance dogs (guide dogs, service dogs, hearing dogs)).




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