Réserver à Steam-dining Shimabutaya

· Reservations online are available up to 3 months in advance.
· Please contact us if there is a special request to store.
· 18: 30 ~ 20: 30 is very crowded.
· The telephone is hard to connect during business. Advance reservation is recommended.

· If you can not contact us after 15 minutes of reservation, please be sure to contact us as we will be forced to cancel as it may be delayed.
· Please inform us in advance if you are allergic to the ingredients.
· Please be aware that you can not designate your seat.

【No smoking in all stores】
To let you enjoy the delicious steam and scent of Sairos, let me assume that all seats are non-smoking.
Families who have small children can also enjoy meals freely.

※ 7 minutes by walk from Kencho-mae station
* Coin parking available nearby
Okinawa Prefecture Naha City Kumochi 3-29-41 Kumochi Mansion 1F


If your party has children 12 yo or under, please inform us of the number and ages of the children.
Please fill in if you have allergic or NG food ingredients.
Please fill in your hotel, check in date & reserved name.


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