Réserver à Sushi Sakai

▶Please take off your shoes and enter the store.
▶LANE (Ren) Round Building 2nd Floor: A gray building with bamboo planting.
There is an elevator hall at the back of the “Sakai” line.
※ Please confirm the way to the store from here .

▶Photographing is possible, but please refrain from the use of people, introspective photography, digital cameras, single-lens reflex cameras, flash and shutter sound.
▶Please refrain from entering the tank top, sandals and other light clothing.
▶Please note that if there is an allergy that the store can not handle, such as when raw fish can not be eaten, it may be canceled even after booking is confirmed.
▶We can not cope with the visit of children, but we can only visit them if they are reserved.


If you have any allergies or poor ingredients, please fill in.


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