Réserver à Sushi Tamba

Thank you for your reservation. This is Sushi Tamba. Please be sure to check the following information. --- [Business hours] 18:00-20:00, 20:30-22:30 (Reservation required) Closed: Irregular holidays ▶ Please provide your credit card information when making a reservation. input is required. Please note that payment will be made at the store on the day of your visit. ▶Please be punctual as we will start all at once and have a 2 hour time limit. Please arrive exactly at your reservation time as there is no waiting space. ▶ If you arrive late, you will be served the food at that time. ▶We may not be able to accommodate your request for seat selection. ▶In order for you to enjoy your meal slowly, we cannot accommodate guests under the age of 18. ▶All seats are non-smoking. Also, smoking is prohibited in the surrounding area, so please be considerate. [Cancellation Policy] If you cancel your reservation, you will be charged a cancellation fee as shown below. After 18:00 two days before the reservation date: 50% After 18:00 the day before the reservation date: 100% On the day of the reservation: 100%


Si vous avez des allergies alimentaires, veuillez nous en informer.


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