Réserver à Sushiya Shota

Important notice
As Sushiya Shota enters its fifth year, we want to purchase higher quality fish and deliver even more delicious nigiri to our customers.
In line with this, the price will be increased from May 1st to ¥25,000 plus service charge and consumption tax to ¥28,600.

▶Please note that we may not be able to meet your request for seat selection.
▶If you can't contact us after 15 minutes of your reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are late.
▶Please contact the store directly when making a reservation for more than 5 people.

[Cancellation policy]
・On the day (within 24 hours): 100%
・The day before (within 48 hours): 50%
If you cancel within the above period, a cancellation fee will be charged.

Contact: DM on Instagram ⇒ Instagram


If you have any allergies or foods that you are not good at, please fill in. *Although we will provide an alternative, the price may increase depending on the product. note that. If none, please enter "none".


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