Réserver à Tsubajin

Cancellations must be made by the morning of the previous day. Our shop is only for customers with reservations. If you cancel after noon the day before, the ingredients have already been arranged.・50% for the previous day,・100% on the day cancellation fee will be charged. Thank you for your understanding. ▶Prices shown include service charge and tax. ▶Please note that the course and ingredients cannot be changed on the day. ▶When making a reservation, the course of cooking is unified. ▶Since we prepare meals according to the reserved time, please contact us by phone if your visit time is earlier or earlier than that day. ▶We also have dishes for children. In addition, we may charge for the loss or damage of items. Inquiries by phone: 076-241-2181
15 ans et moins
2 ans et moins


Please fill in the details if you have any food allergies so that you can enjoy your meal on the day. (Example: No eggs for 1 person, ok if cooked, etc.) If you don't have any, please write "none".
Please select the purpose of use.
Seats are usually prepared on tatami mats with legless chairs. *This is not a sunken kotatsu. Western-style tables and chairs are available upon request. Please be sure to fill in if you want a chair seat.


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Mot de passe ne concorde pas avec Confirmation du mot de passe
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