This one-of-a-kind theater restaurant promises endless surprises, serving sophisticated, delicious vegan cuisine to timeless tunes and thilling dance perfomed live by Hello Kitty herself and her jazz band! Just steps away, enter a new world of delight at Hello Kitty Apple House, the biggest apple-shaped building in the world!

▶Please note that the seat specification may not meet your request.
▶Please be aware that if you can not contact after the last entry time, you may be treated as a cancellation.
▶There is a special discount plan when booking for more than 20 people.
Please contact the store directly.
▶1 Free for 1 person or more for 6 people or more (20 people or more not for use. For adults and childrens groups, adult rate for 1 person is free)
※ After booking, discount at the time of visit to the store I will.
12 anni e meno
3 anni e meno


Please let us know about your allergy.
※We can not cope with declaration of the day and complete removal.
※Please fill in the following [request column] for the target food.
※【Example】1 oyster allergy, can be eaten if heated.
One person is not good at blue fish. Please give details and more.
Cosa sapevi di HELLO KITTY SHOW BOX?
※ Dopo aver selezionato una delle seguenti opzioni , compila i dettagli in in Richiedi colonna column. Esempio: 【SNS】 Twitter, Instagram ecc.

I tuoi dettagli

Password è troppo corto (il minimo è 8 caratteri)
Password è troppo debole
Password deve includere almeno una lettera maiuscola, una lettera minuscola, un numero e un simbolo.
Password non deve contenere parte di Email.
Password non coincide con Conferma password
Inviando questo modulo, accetti i termini e politiche pertinenti.