Ristorante Angelo 온라인 예약

▶Please refrain from taking pictures of the restaurant and food.
Reservations for more than 5 persons can only be made by phone.
▶We will charge ¥5,000 per bottle if you bring your own wine (excluding service charge).
Please let us know if there are any food items you are not fond of at the time of reservation. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but please understand that there may be cases where we may deem it difficult to provide the dish. We may not be able to provide a dish if you are unable to eat any vegetables or if there are too many ingredients that you do not like.

▶If you have any allergies (dairy, wheat, anisaki, etc.), please call us before making a reservation on the web. It is not possible to omit them completely.

▶Changes in ingredients (e.g., changing the main meat dish to a fish dish because the customer does not like meat) at the customer's request will be subject to an additional charge.

▶If you are coming to the restaurant in a wheelchair, please be sure to inform us at the time of reservation. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate wheelchair users depending on the availability of reservations.

▶Please note that we are unable to select seats for you.

Cancellations and changes in the number of guests will be charged as follows
Cancellation of reservation
100% on the day of cancellation
50% one day prior to the reservation date
Reservation change
On the day 100% ・・・ 1 day before
50% one day prior to the reservation date

▶We cannot accept reservations from those who have cancelled or rescheduled 3 times in a row. In the case of online reservations, please note that we will cancel your reservation.


・If you have an allergy (dairy product allergy, wheat allergy, anisakis allergy, etc.), please be sure to contact us by phone before making a reservation online. It cannot be omitted completely. Please let us know if you have any other allergies. If you do not have any allergies, please write "none".
We will check your usage history. * If you have a history of use, please fill in when you used it in the request column at the bottom.

예약자 정보

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