Zarai Oita 온라인 예약

※Please contact us for re-confirmation of your reservation, we have to Reserve the day before.
By any chance, if you do not take the reservation confirmation of your contact by phone, it might be regarded as a cancellation, please note in advance
.※ by the situation of weather and shipping, Oita ingredients (fresh fish, etc.) there may be change or if the content can not be in stock.
※If the number of people or decreased if the day has been canceled, we will receive a 100% cancellation fee.
If there is a cancellation or number of people change, so please contact the day before, thank you.
※Meal applications (your entertainment, such as a birthday celebration), and your poor ingredients, please let us know and food allergy.
5세 이하


Poor food, those who are allergic foodstuff Please fill.

예약자 정보

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