Tempah di La Mer - Shima Kanko Hotel

You may not be able to choose some plans with special offers due to limited supply and reservation conditions.
You can not assign your seat except special offer plans with assigned seats on online reservation system.
You can make a reservation for dinner until 12 pm on the day. After that time, please call us for a reservation.
About reservation change and cancellation, you can do that on online reservation screen and contact us by phone.
You can make a reservation up to 12 persons on online reservatin system. If you would like to make a reservation more than 13 persons, please call us.
You can not use other special offers and discount together with online soecial offer menu.
Menu contents and prices are subect to change.

Frencg restaurant "La mer"
Shima kanko Hotel
Phone number: 0599-43-1211
Available time: 9am - 20pm
12 tahun dan ke bawah


If you have allergy, any food you don't like and dietary restrictions, please let us know.

[貯める] 100円(税抜)のご利用につき10ポイント進呈いたします。



Butiran Tetamu

Kata laluan terlalu pendek (minima adalah 8 karakter)
Kata laluan terlalu lemah
Kata laluan mesti mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya satu huruf besar, satu huruf kecil, satu nombor dan satu simbol.
Kata laluan tidak boleh mengandungi sebahagian daripada E-mel.
Kata laluan tidak sama dengan penegasan
Dengan menghantar borang ini, anda bersetuju dengan terma dan polisi yang relevan.