Đặt bàn tại Tiny Toria Tearoom

Thank you for using the Tiny Tria Tea Room reservation site. *We accept reservations for afternoon tea, crumpet lunch, and seats. *Seats will be reserved in the order in which reservations are received. Please note that we cannot accommodate requests for tables. *The credit card information you enter when making a reservation will be used for the purpose of charging a cancellation fee only in the case of cancellation within 24 hours of the reservation date and time, or in the case of unauthorized cancellation on the same day. *Payment can be made on the day by cash, credit card (Visa/Master/JCB/American Express/Diners Club), transportation electronic money, iD, QUICPay, and PayPay. *For reservations for 13 or more people, please contact the store directly. *If you are 10 minutes past your reservation time without contacting us, we will give priority to customers who are waiting. Telephone inquiries: 070-7795-1889
dưới 12 tuổi

Yêu cầu

If you have any allergies, please select "Other" and provide details. We are unable to accommodate same-day requests. Please note.
※メッセージの長さの目安は「Happy Birthday ◯◯◯」程度です

Chi tiết Khách

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Bằng cách gửi biểu mẫu này, bạn đồng ý với điều khoản và chính sách liên quan.