Reserviere MAISON MARUNOUCHI / Four Seasons Hotel Marunouchi Tokyo

- Our dress code is casual. (Please kindly note that we have to refuse guests wearing excessively casual clothes, such as no-sleeve tops and flip-flops.)
- We may have to cancel your reservation if you do not arrive within 15 minutes after the reservation time. Please kindly make sure you will contact us when you are late.
- Tables are available for two hours.
- Please be note that we may not be able to fulfill your request for a specific table.
- For the reservation of a table for more than 7 guests, please directly contact the restaurant.

Cancellation fees:
Contacting us on the day: 100%
Contacting us the day before: 50%

Contact: +81 3-5222-5880
12 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger



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