Reserviere Havana 1950

▶︎Please note that we do not accept seating reservations. You may be seated at the counter.

▶︎If we are unable to contact you within 15 minutes of your reservation time, we may have to cance
l your reservation, so please contact us if you are late.

▶︎When busy, we have a 2-hour limit.

▶︎Please contact the restaurant directly for reservations for private rooms or for parties of 11 or more.

▶︎We charge a music fee after 8 p.m. 2,000 yen on weekdays/3,000 yen on weekends, free for women on Wednesdays

▶︎We ask that customers under the age of 20 refrain from visiting after 10 p.m.

For inquiries by phone: 050-3172-7473


For the Albita Special Dinner on Friday, July 26, reservations are accepted only for standing seating on TableCheck.

If you would like to dine in, please make sure to reserve a seat by phone. Seats are limited.
12 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger


Please let us know if you have any ALLERGIES.

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