Reserviere Karaokepasera Ikebukuronishiguchiten

<Room selection> You can choose your room type when making a reservation.・If you have a preference for the room type, please select from the categories . ・If you select a category with a [💰 mark], a charge will be applied. ・If you select [No preference], we will prepare the most suitable room for the number of people using the room. In that case, there will be no additional charge. <About charge fees> In the concept rooms marked with the following [💰 mark], a charge will be applied. 💰Premium: 250 yen/30 minutes/1 person (Modis) 💰Cinema 100 inches and up: 150 yen/30 minutes/1 person 💰Large screen 65 inches and up: 100 yen/30 minutes/1 person <Premium Karaoke Modis Price Information> The fee structure is different from Pasela: Click here for details on the 6 limited rooms <Other information>・Room Gallery is here・FAQ is here <About tobacco>・Electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products are permitted in private rooms (some rooms are completely non-smoking). ・For cigarettes, please use the smoking area.
12 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger


Guests who select a room category with the 💰 icon Have you checked the additional charges? ▼💰Icon = Additional charges will be incurred💰Premium Karaoke Room: 250 yen/30 minutes/1 person (Modis) 💰Cinema 100 inches and up: 150 yen/30 minutes/1 person💰Large screen 65 inches and up: 100 yen/30 minutes/1 person💰Birthday: 100 yen/30 minutes/1 person "Modis" *Modis has a different fee structure. Customers who do not select the concept room or Modis Please select "No".

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Passwort muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben, eine Zahl und ein Symbol umfassen.
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