Reserviere French Restaurant La Baie / The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka

- All prices are inclusive of tax and service charge.
- Dress code
Lunch time: sophisticated casual attire / Dinner time: sophisticated elegant attire
- La Baie has age restriction, only children over the age of 6 are allowed to enter at daytime and dinnertime. Children of all ages, however, are allowed in the private room throughout the day. Please contact us by phone to reserve a private room.
- Menus and prices may change without advance notification. Photos are all images.
- Table request may not be accepted depending on availability.
- For customers who use discounts, such as membership discounts, please indicate it in the request column.(There are no Marriott Bonvoy discount)
- Please note that not valid with any other discount combined.
- If you will be late more than 15 minutes, please call us. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee your seat.


* Limited to use by children over 6 years old. If you have children under the age of 12, please write his/her age.
Ingredients cannot be changed on the day.
If you have any food allergies, please fill in as much detail as possible.
Have you made a reservation (or are you planning to make a reservation) to stay at The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka?

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Passwort muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben, eine Zahl und ein Symbol umfassen.
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