2023.3.30 - Grand Open !!

We will also announce the latest business information on Instagram.

The following hours and details are available.
Opening hours for all days
10:00 - 21:00 (L.O.: 20:00 for meals and 20:30 for beverages)

Starting April 29, the buffet dishes for lunch and a la carte dishes for dinner will be changed, and the new bakery-restaurant will operate as a new bakery-restaurant that can be enjoyed by an even wider variety of customers.

For reservations, please visit our reservation website. *To avoid seat bookings, reservations can only be made online.
*If you have already made a reservation and would like to make any changes or additions to it, or have any questions about the details, please contact us.
*For reservations for more than 7 people, please send us an email.
12 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger


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