Book at TRATTORIA Casa Calma



ランチ 2、4火水木金 12:00〜13:30LO 14:30クローズ
    土日祝 12:00〜13:30LO 15:00クローズ
ディナー 2、4火〜日 18:00〜20:00最終入店 22:30クローズ
月曜、奇数火曜定休日 祝日月曜はランチ営業致します。



当日キャンセル: コース料金の100%
前日キャンセル: コース料金の50%


If you have any intolerances or allergies, please fill in the details. Our restaurant offers an omakase course. Since we use a wide variety of ingredients, we will not be able to accept requests if there are any ingredients that you dislike. Thank you for your understanding.
(Example) I can only eat fish. I can't eat meat etc.
If you would like an anniversary plate, please enter a message. (Birthday name, etc.)
If there are customers under elementary school age, please let us know the number of people and their ages. If not, please enter "none".

Guest Details

Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)
Password is too weak
Password must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol.
Password must not contain part of Email.
Password doesn't match Confirm Password
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