Book at Yakiniku Yazawa Kyoto

[Attention for web reservation! ] ◎ We cannot accept reservations for private rooms on the web, so if you would like a private room, please contact the store directly. TEL: 0753522914 ◎Please note that when booking online, only the displayed time is available. ◎The seat time is 2 hours. ◎Customers who made a reservation online may be contacted by phone to confirm on the day. Please use the phone number you registered so that we can contact you directly. ◎Once your reservation is complete, you will automatically receive a confirmation email from "". Please note that if you do not receive an email, your reservation may not have been completed. ★If you are not feeling well, please help us by wearing a mask. *If you cannot choose the number of people you plan to use, please contact the store directly. *Please call the restaurant to change or cancel your reservation. *If you are 10 minutes past your reservation time without contacting us, we may give priority to waiting customers. *Please note that we may not be able to accept future reservations for customers who do not come to the store without contacting us.
12 years and under
5 years and under


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Password must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol.
Password must not contain part of Email.
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