Reservar en [Day trip reservation] Ryuguden Sauna

●If we cannot contact you after the scheduled time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you will be late. ●Parking When you arrive by car, we will show you where to park each time. When the staff is in front of the main entrance (around 14:00-17:00), please ask the staff where to park. If the staff is not available, please park in front of the entrance and come to the front desk and ask the front staff where to park. [Notes] ●The use of Ryuguden Sauna is for junior high school students and above. Thank you for your understanding. ●A separate bathing tax of 75 yen will be charged per person.


Detalles de invitado

Contraseña es demasiado corto (8 caracteres mínimo)
Contraseña es demasiado débil
Contraseña debe incluir al menos una letra mayúscula, una letra minúscula, un número y un símbolo.
Contraseña no debe contener parte de Email.
Contraseña no coincide
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